全面落實 x 安心服務

■ 第一線服務同仁與後勤單位於值勤前均測量體溫、手部清潔及消毒,並於執勤時一律配戴口罩。

■ 嚴格管控進出飯店/餐廳之賓客、同仁及合作廠商皆須進行體溫測量、戴口罩及酒精消毒,若測量之體溫、額溫高/等於38℃,恕無法接待且敬請盡速就醫。



■ 正於「居家隔離」、「自主健康管理」、「自主防疫」監測期間之賓客。

■ 拒絕配合測量體溫、額溫高/等於38℃,或有咳嗽、噴嚏、呼吸急促等上呼吸道症狀拒絕配戴口罩者。

■ 賓客誠實告知之義務與責任請詳見官網公告。



Reception Policy

Guests listed below who are at risk of infections will not be entertained, neither will hotel room reservations and dining bookings by third parties on behalf of the aforementioned be accepted.

■ Guests under “Home Quarantine”, “Self-Health Management” or “Self-initiated Epidemic Prevention Period.

■ Those who refuse to have their body temperature taken, have a body temperature exceeding 38℃, experience cough, sneezing, shortness of breath or other respiratory tract symptoms and refuse to wear a face mask.

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